Saturday, April 26, 2008

A Party for Gertie

Today, we celebrated Gertie. I guess it was an early Mother's Day Celebration. She's like 87 or 88 and we are delighted and blessed to still have her with us. She was so surprised. She just cried and cried. We had tons of yummy food. I ate cookies and chips and sandwiches and fruit and I'm sure I've gained all my 35 pounds back. I made cookies because my neices call me the cookie queen. I always bring LOTS of cookies. I took sugar cookies, snickerdoodles, turtles, chocolate chip and oatmeal. I think there were 20 dozen in all. We did NOT bring home the left-overs!

We had lots of fun visiting with everyone. One of the cousins brought a DVD of some old home movies and it was so cool to see Dallas and other places as they were in the 50's. I loved seeing everyone when they were so VERY young! It was also very moving to see in action those who most of us were never blessed to know. These are pix of Sharon who was my F-in-L's little sister.Seeing her playing and jumping rope was a shocker to us all. Most of us have never seen more than the one photo of her hanging on Gertie's wall. I think we all lost it.

We have a great family and I am blessed to have them all to love!Great job, Marlene & David and everyone who helped to celebrate our Gertie!

1 comment:

Snow White said...

Thanks for posting the pics. would love some copies.